The Challenges Of Growing Local

Short, undependable land leases
One of the biggest challenges faced by farmers is the lack of a secure space to tend to their animals or crops. Under the current land lease system, farms are allowed leases in intervals of approximately 10 years, as long as they can meet productivity targets.

However, this pales in comparison to the 60-100 years farms overseas can afford, which allows ample time for land and animal to mature well.

Some farms even risk having to relocate, especially with the Lim Chu Kang area being redeveloped for military use.

High costs of new infrastructure
The short lease also deters farmers from investing in new equipment, as they are uncertain about owning the land till returns can be seen.

Furthermore, it is difficult for farms to fork out huge sums of money to build new infrastructure and purchase new technology, as agriculture is “not recognized as an industry”.

By going local, you can help increase our country’s food security, support local farmers, while enjoying fresher food.

Farm Listing


GAP (Good Agricultural Practices)
QES (Quality Egg Scheme)
Sold in supermarkets
Webstore available
Open to public / Tour available


Dairy Folks
Hay Dairies
Vishnu Dairy Farm

Alternative Meats

Jurong Frog Farm
Long Kuan Hung Crocodile Farm